Vol 13 No 5 (2012)

Published: 2012-10-04


A growth model for the quadruple helix

Oscar Afonso, Sara Monteiro, Maria Thompson
Abstract 2088 | PDF Downloads 1902 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2011.626438

Page 849-865

SMEs’ investment determinants: empirical evidence using quantile approach

Paulo Maçãs Nunes, Sílvia Mendes, Zélia Serrasqueiro
Abstract 917 | PDF Downloads 676 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2011.620172

Page 866-894

Systemic risk in Taiwan stock market

Her-Jiun Sheu, Chien-Ling Cheng
Abstract 921 | PDF Downloads 842 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2011.620168

Page 895-914

Research on futures trend trading strategy based on short term chart pattern

Saulius Masteika, Aleksandras Vytautas Rutkauskas
Abstract 1331 | PDF Downloads 3185 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2012.705252

Page 915-930

Trademark activity and the market performance of U.S. commercial banks

Carlos González-Pedraz, Sergio Mayordomo
Abstract 821 | PDF Downloads 777 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2011.643447

Page 931-950

Revisiting the role of external debt in economic growth of developing countries

Siti Nurazira Mohd Daud, Jan M. Podivinsky
Abstract 1023 | PDF Downloads 1362 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2012.701224

Page 968-993

Forecasting gold price changes by using adaptive network fuzzy inference system

Abdolreza Yazdani-Chamzini, Siamak Haji Yakhchali, Diana Volungevičienė, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas
Abstract 1220 | PDF Downloads 1782 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2012.683808

Page 994-1010