
Innovation at airports: a systematic literature review (2000–2019)

    Sena Kiliç Affiliation
    ; Caglar Ucler Affiliation
    ; Luis Martin-Domingo Affiliation


Airports operate in a highly-competitive and challenging environment. Therefore, in order to remain competitive, innovation is imperative for airports. This paper aims to conduct academic research into innovation at airports by reviewing studies published from 2000 to 2019 for presenting key findings. A systematic literature review was made based on scientific papers indexed in Scopus with the keywords innovation and airport in the title, abstract or keywords sections, consolidating the innovation focus, approach and degree discussed with respect to innovation areas and territorial focal points. Consequently, it was found that research on airport innovation is: (i) mainly focused on products/services, (ii) concerned with leveraging ICT (Informatıon Communication Technology), (iii) implemented ad-hoc without a consolidated strategic approach, and (iv) lacks the input of external innovation scholars and specialists.

Keyword : airport, innovation, literature review, ICT, airport design, performance measurement

How to Cite
Kiliç, S., Ucler, C., & Martin-Domingo, L. (2021). Innovation at airports: a systematic literature review (2000–2019). Aviation, 25(3), 220-231.
Published in Issue
Nov 25, 2021
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