
Optimal control of flapping wing accounting for nonsteady effects

    Diana Kravchenko Affiliation


The optimization of flapping wing trajectory for the minimization energy consumed by the wing and associated with induced power losses is considered in this paper. An aircraft with such a wing is assumed to move in a horizontal direction at constant velocity. The flapping wing moves up and down at constant velocity. Unsteady vortex wake influence is analyzed. Comparison of the efficiency coefficients is performed for the steady case, as well as for the one with the sinusoidal and optimal control for the flapping wing. Also, comparison with another type of the thrust creation (propeller) is performed.

Nestandartinius poveikius sukeliantis optimalus plasnojančio sparno valdymas

Santrauka. Šiame tyrime svarstomas plasnojančio sparno trajektorijos optimizavimas tam, kad būtų minimizuota sparno sunaudota energija bei  jos įtakoti galios nuostoliai.  Manoma,  kad  orlaivis  su  tokiu  sparnu  juda  pastoviu  greičiu  horizontalia  kryptimi.  Plasnojantis  sparnas  aukštyn  ir  žemyn  juda  pastoviu greičiu. Analizuotas nestacionaraus sūkurių pėdsako poveikis. Taip pat palygintas koeficientų efektyvumas stacionariu atveju bei esant sinusoidiniam ir optimaliam sparno valdymui. 

Reikšminiai žodžiai: plasnojantis sparnas, nestacionarus sūkurių pėdsakas, optimalus reguliavimas.

First published online: 14 Oct 2010

Keyword : flapping wing, unsteady vortex wake, optimal control

How to Cite
Kravchenko, D. (2010). Optimal control of flapping wing accounting for nonsteady effects. Aviation, 14(1), 12-18.
Published in Issue
Mar 31, 2010
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