
Development of a methodology for managing of service packages supply differentiation in the modern tourist market


The modern tourism market is characterized by an increased struggle of tour operators for consumers and meeting their needs. Today a condition for the successful functioning of travel companies is the increasing differentiation of supply and the expansion of the range of package tours and services. However, any solutions should be preceded by their theoretical development. During the course of article writing, the authors set themselves as a goal is an analytical understanding of the methodology for managing the differentiation of package tours and services in order to solve the problem of ensuring high consumer value based on their differentiation by consumer characteristics, regardless of the type of services package and the purpose of travel. The article substantiates the feasibility of managing the differentiation of package tours as a source of increasing their consumer value in the dynamics of consumer expectations, and also presents a new author’s methodology for studying the process of differentiation of package tours. The results of study are of theoretical and practical significance. They can be used as a basis for further scientific research, and they can also be used in the practical activities of tour operators to differentiate their offer in the market and thereby increase their competitiveness and increase profits.

Keyword : tourism, market, supply, tour operator, package tour, product differentiation, tourist enterprise

How to Cite
Ganski, U., Tsybouski , V. ., Kazlovski, V., & Zhou , W. . (2020). Development of a methodology for managing of service packages supply differentiation in the modern tourist market. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(2), 477-482.
Published in Issue
Aug 18, 2020
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