
Designcommunication – a facilitator of creativity for all

    Daniella Dominika Galla   Affiliation
    ; Dóra Horváth   Affiliation
    ; Attila Róbert Cosovan   Affiliation


Our goal is to introduce the term designcommunication written in one word, a creative, academically based design approach combining theory and practical experience as good as possible in various application settings, be it education, scientific research, concept, product or system development. Designcommunication provides a highly flexible framework and a sound methodological base beyond the familiar. Designcommunication, in other words, creating a connection as designing, is an approach that uses a holistic triple relation framework of opposing dimensions: material–immaterial, permanent–variable and survival–subsistence–development relations. This framework of relations is available and possibly applicable to anyone regardless of level and area of education. Introducing such a design approach to education opens new horizons of creative cooperation, as designcommunication facilitates the development of creativity, collaboration and communication as increasingly valued soft skills.

Keyword : cooperation, creativity, design approach, designcommunication, education for creativity, infographics, soft skills, visual expression

How to Cite
Galla, D. D., Horváth, D., & Cosovan, A. R. (2024). Designcommunication – a facilitator of creativity for all. Creativity Studies, 17(1), 282–294.
Published in Issue
May 30, 2024
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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