
Establishing dynamic impact function for house pricing based on surrending multi-attributes: evidence from Taipei city, Taiwan

    Jieh-Haur Chen Affiliation
    ; Li-Ren Yang Affiliation
    ; Vidya Trisandin Azzizi Affiliation
    ; Eric Chu Affiliation
    ; Hsi-Hsien Wei Affiliation


The objective of the research is aimed for a solution that is to establish the dynamic impact function of surrounding multi-attribute for house pricing. It is also able to measure the ripple effect and allows the hedonic parameter estimates to vary from point-to-point. A comprehensive literature review is carried out to obtain an adequate theoretical basis for the corresponding hypothesis and concepts. The proposed dynamic impact function for multi- attributes is then constructed based on the characteristics of surrounding facilities. Adopting the convenience sampling criteria of 95% confidence level on the data sampling and 10% limit of error in a 5−95% proportion, we collect the empirical data of 39 yearly house sales in the investigated urban areas of Taipei city focusing on housing prices and then utilize them for evaluating and adjusting the function. The actual house price and that of proposed function affected by Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations are analysed, resulting in the correlation coefficient at 0.946 (single attribute) and 0.944 (multi-attribute), respectively. The findings support that proposed function can highly represent the house pricing pattern and be an accurate tool for appraisers.

Keyword : house pricing theory, impact function, multi-attribute, financial engineering, property management

How to Cite
Chen, J.-H., Yang, L.-R., Azzizi, V. T., Chu, E., & Wei, H.-H. (2020). Establishing dynamic impact function for house pricing based on surrending multi-attributes: evidence from Taipei city, Taiwan. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 24(2), 119-129.
Published in Issue
Feb 14, 2020
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