Q-indeterminate correlation coefficient between simplified neutrosophic indeterminate sets and its multicriteria decision-making method
Owing to the indeterminacy, incompleteness, and inconsistency of decision makers’ arguments/cognitions regarding complicated decision-making problems, the truth, falsity, and indeterminacy degrees given by decision makers may imply the partial certainty and partial uncertainty information. In this case, a simplified neutrosophic set (SNS) cannot express the uncertainty degrees of the truth, falsity, indeterminacy arguments. To depict the hybrid information of SNS and neutrosophic (indeterminate) numbers (NNs) together, this study presents a simplified neutrosophic indeterminate set (SNIS) to describe the uncertainty degrees of the truth, falsity, indeterminacy, and then based on the de-neutrosophication technology using the parameterized SNSs of SNISs we introduce the q-indeterminate correlation coefficients of SNISs with a parameter q ∈ [0, 1]. Next, a simplified neutrosophic indeterminate multicriteria decision-making method using the qindeterminate correlation coefficients of SNISs is established along with decision makers’ risk attitudes, such as the small risk for q = 0, the moderate risk for q = 0.5, and the large risk for q = 1, to carry out multicriteria decision-making problems in SNIS setting. Eventually, the proposed decision-making approach is applied in an example of selecting a satisfactory slope design scheme for an open pit mine to indicate the practicality and flexibility in SNIS setting.
Keyword : q-indeterminate correlation coefficient, simplified neutrosophic indeterminate set, multicriteria decision making, neutrosophic number, slope design scheme

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