Effective allocation of manpower in the production of precast concrete elements with the use of metaheuristics
Planning problems are particularly important for the production processes of precast reinforced concrete elements. Currently used modeling of these processes is based on the flow shop problem. Flow shop models are usually used in Enterprise Resource Planning systems, which, however, may not take into account the specifics of the production of such elements. The article presents a new model for scheduling the production of reinforced concrete prefabricated elements, which is distinguished by the possibility of carrying out activities by more than one working group. An additional new constraint is the possibility of parallel performance of some works, which may occur during their production. Also, there will be an individual order of elements assumed for each of the activities. New objective functions will be considered – the sum of idle times of working groups and the total type changes of precast components. The presented scheduling model contains an NP-hard discrete optimization problem. For this reason, metaheuristics were used in the article to solve optimization problems: the simulated annealing algorithm and the tabu search algorithm. Verification of the results obtained with the use of these algorithms confirmed their high efficiency. The application of the presented scheduling model illustrates a practical case study showing the effectiveness of the used algorithms.
Keyword : scheduling, hybrid flow shop, precast concrete production, optimization, management, metaheuristics

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