What hinders Internet of Things (IoT) adoption in the Chinese construction industry: a mixed-method
Although the Internet of Things (IoT) has aroused much interest as a potential approach for improving various construction activities, the extent of its adoption remains limited. The multiple barriers that prevent the wider adoption of IoT in the construction industry need detailed investigation. However, limited research has attempted to understand the barriers to IoT adoption. Therefore, this study aims to identify the critical barriers to IoT adoption in the construction industry and explore the prioritization and hierarchical structure of the barriers factors. Data were collected from relevant literature and feedback from Chinese industry experts, sixteen barriers against IoT adoption were identified and categorized based on the TOE framework assessed in the construction industry. An integrated interpretation structure model and decision-making and trial evaluation laboratory (ISM-DEMATEL) approach is adopted to analyze the interdependence between identified constructs and their intensities. In addition, the identified constructs are also clustered into a suitable group using MICMAC analysis. Results show that inadequate infrastructure, lack of governance, and top management support are the fundamental barrier against IoT adoption. By revealing the mutual relationships and interlinking of barriers, this study will help researchers and practitioners in the construction industry to focus on strategic efforts to overcome these obstacles to effective IoT implementation. This research revealed the barriers to IoT implementation in the Chinese construction industry. Also, it provides methodological tool references for exploring the impact factor of other similar innovative technology applied in this industry.
Keyword : Internet of Things (IoT), construction industry, adoption, barriers, DEMATEL, ISM, MICMAC

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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