A model for solving structural, technological and safety problems
The authors of the present work offer the developed model of suggesting solutions to structural, technological and safety problems based on the use of a tree diagram as a tool for decision analysis and visualization. The model is aimed at integrating solutions worked out in the considered areas into a single variant as a research object. A multi-stage decision model reflecting a set of the available combinations of alternatives is developed. The branches of the tree diagram are interlinked based on the inherent relations between building structures, technologies and work safety. The interaction and interrelationship between the criteria describing the above issues affect each criterion in a very specific way. The performance of the system allows the authors to evaluate the effect of each criterion and its interaction with other criteria, which in turn helps with choosing appropriate solutions to solving structural, technological and safety problems.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: darbuotojų sauga ir sveikata, nelaimingas atsitikimas, profesinis susirgimas, statybų sektorius, statybos procesas, darni darbo vieta, medžio diagrama, sprendimų analizė.
Keyword : worker safety and health protection, accident, occupational disease, construction sector, sustainable workplace, tree diagram, decision analysis

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