Acoustically assessed influence of air pore structure on failure of self-compacting concretes under compression
The paper presents the results of investigations into the influence of pore structure on the failure of self-compacting concretes modified with superplasticizers commonly used in construction. Pore structure examinations were carried out in practically the whole range of pore diameters by means of an image analyzer and a mercury porosimeter. The failure of the self-compacting concretes under compression, was investigated by the acoustic emission technique and other methods. The levels of cracking initiating stress σiand critical stress σcr, demarcating the different stages in the failure process, were determined. It has been shown that there is a relationship between the pore structure parameters and the levels. The fatigue strength of the self-compacting concretes was calculated from the experimental results and on this basis the suitability of the concretes for structures subject to cyclic loads was determined.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: susitankinantis betonas, porų struktūra, susilpnėjimas, gniuždymas, akustinė emisija, ultragarsai.
Keyword : self-compacting concrete, pore structure, failure, compression, acoustic emission, ultrasounds

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