Architectural solutions to increase the energy efficiency of buildings
While designing the volume of a building, architectural solutions can be employed to achieve greater energy efficiency for the entire lifecycle of the building. However, currently this possibility is not sufficiently utilised. The paper provides a comparative analysis of architectural solutions, presenting the ones that not only allow for a reduction in energy losses through the external envelope of a building considering the local climatic conditions; but also make it possible to increase the use of energy from renewable resources.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: A/S santykis, A/V santykis, energinis efektyvumas, geometrinis efektyvumas, pastato gyvavimo ciklas, kompaktiškumas, energijos poreikis, saulės energijos pritekėjimas, tvarumas.
Keyword : A/S ratio, A/V ratio, building lifecycle, compactness, energy demand, energy efficiency, geometric efficiency, solar gains, sustainability

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