Requirements definition and management practice to improve project outcomes
Poor project requirements definition and management (RDM) is one of the major causes of project failure. However, many organizations do not adequately manage a project's requirements leading to a poor design basis. Thus, quality of requirements is critical to the success of any construction project. The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the mediating effect of requirements quality on the relationship between RDM practice and project performance. The second objective was to determine whether the impact of RDM practice on project performance was moderated by project characteristics. A three-phase approach was employed to investigate construction projects in the Taiwanese building industry. The testing supports a role for requirements quality as a partial mediator in the relationship between RDM practice and project performance. The findings also indicate that project characteristics have a moderating effect on the relationship between requirements quality and overall project performance.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: projekto reikalavimai, reikalavimų apibrėžimas ir valdymas, projekto efektyvumas, projekto savybės.
Keyword : project requirements, requirements definition and management, project performance, project characteristics

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