Relating flexible pavement acceptance criteria to performance using MEPDG simulations and piecewise cubic spline interpolation
The performance of the highway system is inevitably linked to its quality of design and construction. To control the quality of construction, elaborate Quality Assurance (QA) programs have been developed by highway agencies based on statistical sampling and acceptance procedures to ensure that the work is in accordance with the plans and specifications. The QA procedure is intended to ensure that the constructed pavement would perform well during its design life. However, numerous field investigations and research studies over the years have identified a gap in our understanding of the relationship between the QA test results and pavement performance (fatigue cracking, rutting, etc.). This paper is intended to present the framework for developing an understanding of the relationship between QA tests and flexible pavement performance, which is essential for developing Performance Related Specifications (PRS). In the first part of the paper, the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) QA program and Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) databases were used to empirically investigate any relationship between key QA variables and various pavement performance measures. In the second part of the paper, the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) software was used together with an accurate and efficient interpolation technique to develop many simulations for the purpose of showing the effect of variability in QA parameters including plant air voids, in-situ density and asphalt content on flexible pavement performance.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: kokybės užtikrinimas, provėžos, skilinėjimas, mechanistinis ir empirinis projektavimo vadovas, procentas, neviršijantis nustatytas ribas (PWL), LTPP.
Keyword : quality assurance, rutting, cracking, mechanistic-empirical design guide, percent within limits (PWL), LTPP

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