A decision-making model for adoption of enterprise resource planning tools by small-to-medium size construction organizations
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) utilization in the construction industry has been limited to large organizations. Significant numbers of construction organizations that have either failed in their efforts to adopt this technology or are not familiar with it are the Small-to Mid-Size Construction Organizations (SMSCOs). Failure in or refusal to adopt ERP by this group, despite all its potential benefits, was the problem addressed in this research. We propose a decision-making model which organizations could utilize to adopt Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. After a careful review of existing technology models, a new ERP Adoption Model (EAM) has been formulated and projected. This model has incorporated new elements that have been set as its new decision-making core. Furthermore, weidentified and ranked the prohibitive criteria that were at play and prevented SMSCO members from successfully adopting and implementing ERP systems in order to increase the understanding of their impact on EAM's processes. Finally, weconducted a case study to analyze the decision-making process of EAM implementation by SMSCOs. ERP AdoptionModel (EAM) provides a decision-making tool that construction organizations can use as a road map.
Sprendimų priėmimo modelis, taikomas įmonės išteklių planavimo priemonėms parinkti mažose ir vidutinėse statybos organizacijose
Reikšminiai žodžiai: įmonių išteklių planavimas, statybos informacinės technologijos, sprendimų priėmimo modelis, maža ir vidutinio dydžio statybos organizacija.
Keyword : Enterprise resource planning, construction information technology, decision making model, small-to-medium size construction organization

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