A new synthesis method of structural, technological and safety decisions (SyMAD-3)
The paper provides a new synthesis method of multiple attribute decisions (SyMAD-3 – Synthesis of Multiple Attribute Decisions using three methods) intended for combining multi-stage and multiple attribute decisions into a single common estimate. The method is applied for selecting a construction project on the basis of its structural, technological and safety decisions. To increase the reliability of the decision, three multiple attribute decision-making methods based on quantitative measurements were applied to help the person making a decision to monitor the results of a relevant decision obtained employing three methods of the same class. The algorithm of the proposed method includes methods for identifying the integrated significances of attributes and multiple attribute decision-making methods (SAW – Simple Additive Weighting, TOPSIS – Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, and COPRAS – COmplex PRoportional ASsessment) based on quantitative measurements.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: daugiakriteriniai metodai, daugiatiksliai sprendimo priėmimo metodai, statyba, technologinis, architektūrinis, saugos, sprendimų sintezės metodai, patikimumas.
Keyword : multiple criteria, multiple attribute decision making methods, construction, technological, architectural, safety, decision synthesis, reliability

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