Comparison of testing results of three poorly streamlined entertainment venues
The article discusses experimental investigations of wind effects and use of design codes for solving aerodynamic problems. It provides data regarding wind-tunnel tests conducted on three buildings with poorly streamlined shapes, including: methodology and test conditions, aerodynamic properties of the designed structures, features of physical models and research results. All three civil buildings are multi-purpose stadiums of the European level. Despite the identical functional purpose, each building has a unique shape and volume. The paper analyses and compares testing conditions in the wind tunnel and some selective results. The authors propose a criterion for estimating aerodynamic properties of the overhanging roof over spectator stands. The article also considers dependencies of model surface pressures on airflow directions under various test conditions.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: aerodinaminis vamzdis, eksperimentiniai tyrimai, sudėtingas pavidalas, sporto ir pramogų statiniai, stadionai, gembinis stogas, gretinimo kriterijai.
Keyword : wind tunnel, poorly streamlined shapes, stadiums, overhanging roof, comparison criteria

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