
Analysing the relationship between spatial configuration and land use of the Ordu city with the space syntax approach


Cities, which are a product of human societies and the construction of civilization, are places where individuals spend a significant part of their daily lives. In this respect, the way urban space is organized and the qualities it possesses deeply affect urban life and usage practices. In this context, the research aims to reveal the relationship between spatial configuration and land uses in the region defined as the core of Ordu city centre with analytical methods. The main method followed in the study is based on the space syntax approach, which quantitatively reveals the spatial structure that constitutes the city. As a result of the study, a consistent relationship was found between the findings obtained from axial analysis and the uses in the space. The zone with the highest intelligibility is Zone 6, which is characterized by low-density commercial areas. The zone with the highest synergy value is Zone 7, which includes urban residential areas and low-density commercial areas.

Keyword : Ordu city, space syntax, spatial configuration, urban space, urban planning

How to Cite
Yesil, M., Karabork, R. N., Ozkul, V. E., & Guzel, M. (2024). Analysing the relationship between spatial configuration and land use of the Ordu city with the space syntax approach. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 32(4), 305–316.
Published in Issue
Nov 14, 2024
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