
A degenerating Robin-type traction problem in a periodic domain

    Matteo Dalla Riva Affiliation
    ; Gennady Mishuris   Affiliation
    ; Paolo Musolino   Affiliation


We consider a linearly elastic material with a periodic set of voids. On the boundaries of the voids we set a Robin-type traction condition. Then, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the displacement solution as the Robin condition turns into a pure traction one. To wit, there will be a matrix function b[k](·) that depends analytically on a real parameter k and vanishes for k = 0 and we multiply the Dirichlet-like part of the Robin condition by b[k](·). We show that the displacement solution can be written in terms of power series of k that converge for k in a whole neighborhood of 0. For our analysis we use the Functional Analytic Approach.

Keyword : Robin boundary value problem, integral representations, integral operators, integral equations methods, linearized elastostatics, periodic domain

How to Cite
Dalla Riva, M., Mishuris, G., & Musolino, P. (2023). A degenerating Robin-type traction problem in a periodic domain. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(3), 509–521.
Published in Issue
Sep 4, 2023
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