
Impact of heterogeneous local government competition and green technology innovation on economic low-carbon transition: new insights from China

    Guangliang Liu Affiliation
    ; Wenfeng Ge Affiliation
    ; Xiaodong Yang Affiliation
    ; Asif Razzaq Affiliation
    ; Xufeng Su Affiliation
    ; Qiying Ran Affiliation
    ; Yang Xu Affiliation


Low-carbon transformation of the economy is the inevitable orientation of socialism with Chinese characteristics to high-quality development in the new era, while the Chinese decentralized development model determines that the competition of local governments in China is an important factor influencing the green technological innovation on low-carbon transformation of the economy. How to achieve coordinated economic growth and ecological environment has become a prob-lem for local governments. Data from a Chinese provincial panel covering the years 2007–2019 is used to investigate the effects of heterogeneous local government competition (Comp), namely, economic, ecological and service competitions on economic low-carbon transition, and moderating effects of heterogeneous government competition and green technology innovation (GTECH) on the low-carbon economic transition (LCT). The results reveal that there are substantial disparities in the consequences of heterogeneous government competition on low-carbon economic transition (LCT). Among them, economic competition significantly dampens economic low-carbon transition (LCT), and ecological competition and service competition significantly boost economic low-carbon transi-tion (LCT). After performing robustness checks, these results continue to be strongly convincing. The study of moderating effects shows that economic competition can dampen the positive influence of green technology innovation (GTECH) to the economic low-carbon transition (LCT). However, ecological competition and service competition facilitate the promoting effect of green technology innovation on economic low-carbon transition (LCT).

First published online 14 March 2024

Keyword : low-carbon economic transition, green technology innovation, heterogeneous, local government

How to Cite
Liu, G., Ge, W., Yang, X., Razzaq, A., Su, X., Ran, Q., & Xu, Y. (2024). Impact of heterogeneous local government competition and green technology innovation on economic low-carbon transition: new insights from China. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(4), 933–955.
Published in Issue
May 29, 2024
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