
Supplier selection in Telecom supply chain management: a Fuzzy-Rasch based COPRAS-G method

    Kajal Chatterjee Affiliation
    ; Samarjit Kar Affiliation


In the past decade, global competition are forcing firms to increase their level of outsourcing for raw or semi-finished products and building long term relationship with their supply chain partners. The objective is to present a wide-ranging decision making technique for ranking supplier alternatives in view of the effect of selected criteria. A proposed method is developed aiming the usage of Fuzzy-Rasch model applying five point Likert scale for criteria weight and Grey based COmplex PRoportional ASsessment (COPRAS-G) method for evaluating and ranking the potential alternatives, as per criteria. The applicability of the induced methodology for supplier selection problem in all environments is shown through a case study in telecommunication sector. A sensitivity analysis is performed based on changing weight patterns of criteria to show the stability in ranking result of the proposed approach. Further, a comparative analysis between the ranking results of proposed method done with existing grey multi-attribute decision-making methods viz. VIKOR-G, ARAS-G and TOPSIS-G using spearman’s correlation coefficient for checking the reliability of the ranking result.

Keyword : multi criteria decision making, supplier selection, fuzzy sets, Rasch model, COPRAS-G

How to Cite
Chatterjee, K., & Kar, S. (2018). Supplier selection in Telecom supply chain management: a Fuzzy-Rasch based COPRAS-G method. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 765-791.
Published in Issue
Feb 21, 2018
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