Intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized operators and their application in multi-criteria group decision making
Intuitionistic fuzzy set is a very useful tool to depict uncertainty. Lots of multi-criteria group decision making methods under intuitionistic fuzzy environment have been developed. Current methods are under the assumption that the criteria and the decision makers are at the same priority level. However, in real group decision making problems, criteria and decision makers have different priority level commonly. In this paper, multi-criteria group decision making problems where there exists a prioritization relationship over the criteria and decision makers are studied. First, the intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized weighted average (IFPWA) and the intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized weighted geometric (IFPWG) operators are proposed. Then, some of their desirable properties are investigated in detail. Furthermore, the procedure of multi-criteria group decision making based on the proposed operators is given under intuitionistic fuzzy environment. Finally, a practical example about talent introduction is provided to illustrate the developed method.
Keyword : Multi-criteria group decision making, aggregation operator, intuitionistic fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized weighted average (IFPWA) operator, intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized geometric (IFPWG) operator

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