
Analytical hierarchy process method and data envelopment analysis application in terrain vehicle selection

    Slobodan Starčević Affiliation
    ; Nebojša Bojović Affiliation
    ; Raimundas Junevičius Affiliation
    ; Viktor Skrickij Affiliation


Selection of a terrain vehicle for performing different tasks is an important factor, which influences the mobility of a user through the quality of conducting transport activities. This paper is dealing with the problem of the terrain vehicle selection for the equipping of military units which, are to be engaged in multinational operations, using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Determination of the relative importance of criteria, which are used for evaluation of potential alternatives is conducted through AHP method. The results proposed by the AHP method are used as multiple outputs of the defined DEA model for the selection of the terrain vehicle. Based on the DEA model the efficiencies of alternatives are defined and also the final ranking of alternatives is determined. Besides the hybrid model AHP-DEA, which is the integral part of a basic multicriteria model in this paper the possible applications of Best Worst Method (BWM) and FUll COnsistency Model (FUCOM) are presented through validation of models. The validation is conducted through statistical data obtained by application of different multicriteria techniques, using Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient (SCC).

Keyword : terrain vehicle, selection, alternative, multicriteria selection, AHP, DEA, BWM, FUCOM

How to Cite
Starčević, S., Bojović, N., Junevičius, R., & Skrickij, V. (2019). Analytical hierarchy process method and data envelopment analysis application in terrain vehicle selection. Transport, 34(5), 600-616.
Published in Issue
Dec 18, 2019
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