
On deploying vehicular communication at the developing seaport and related innovation success impediments

    Sanja Bauk Affiliation
    ; Jose Angel Leon Calvo Affiliation
    ; Anke Schmeink Affiliation
    ; Sadia Azam Affiliation
    ; Rudolf Mathar Affiliation


The paper concerns the employment of a vehicular communication concept for traffic management and safety purposes in a developing seaport environment. A general scenario considering centralized and ad-hoc networks has been analysed, since the requirements for the safety of seaports are similar in terms of reliability and latency. The main enhancement of the proposed model is a communication-based cooperative scheme for improving the safety of workers and optimizing the management of on-port vehicles. The simulation analyses have been realized over the container terminal of the developing Port of Bar (South-East Adriatic Sea, Montenegro). Considering the fact that it operates in transitional conditions, related innovation success impediments have been taken into consideration, as well.

Keyword : vehicular communication, seaport, safety, innovation, management, cooperative systems, network planning

How to Cite
Bauk, S., Leon Calvo, J. A., Schmeink, A., Azam, S., & Mathar, R. (2019). On deploying vehicular communication at the developing seaport and related innovation success impediments. Transport, 34(1), 126-134.
Published in Issue
Feb 6, 2019
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