
The nexus of E-government and increased productivity relative to income level comparison

    Gul Faid   Affiliation
    ; Majeed Muhammad Tariq   Affiliation
    ; Ahmad Ishtiaq Affiliation
    ; Vahid Lorestani Zeynvand   Affiliation
    ; Daniel Francois Meyer   Affiliation
    ; Domicián Máté   Affiliation


Purpose – this study aims to determine the influence of E-government on productivity in the case of different countries comparing by income level.

Research methodology – static (fixed and random) and dynamic (GMM) panel regression.

Findings – a disaggregated analysis reveals that middle-income countries are driving global productivity growth by implementing ICTs infrastructure in the public sector.

Research limitations – this study focuses on severe developed and developing economies, whereas each country may not benefit from E-government implementation as gains might be offset with the enormous costs of implementation.

Practical implications – the government may rely more on online services in the provision of its responsibilities because it enhances the efficiency of public sectors.

Originality/Value – the study is a novel measure of E-government that covers additional multiple dimensions.

Keyword : electronic government, productivity growth performance, ICTs, trust, developed and developing countries, panel data

How to Cite
Faid, G., Tariq, M. M., Ishtiaq, A., Zeynvand, V. L., Meyer, D. F., & Máté, D. (2020). The nexus of E-government and increased productivity relative to income level comparison. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 18(1), 88-105.
Published in Issue
Apr 30, 2020
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